…for this photo/print. I found it on Pinterest and immediately connected to it once I read it. I began being more mindful and grateful once Gerry came into my life. I never needed anyone to remind me to love my dog. Truly.
When he leaves me…I don’t know who I’ll even want to consider as replaces him or his unique love. I’m sorry, but it’s honest and it’s true. My boy is my only child, and we have lived… and loved alone for 3 years by ourselves initially. This is not to say I didn’t love others, and my human love, David did move in with us for the past 4 years, but Gerry is the most unique character in my entire life.
I have lost friends to cancer, an accidental murder,the reaction to losing the someone with cancer, not to mention a grandfather and uncle who committed suicide, and another who hid himself in his apartment and let himself die all on his own from neglect.
A dog seemed the natural relief.
Then, cancer.
It’s enough already…truly. I am not in love with the idea of “this world” or “reality” anymore.