I cannot take credit..


…for this photo/print.  I found it on Pinterest and immediately connected to it once I read it.  I began being more mindful and grateful once Gerry came into my life.  I never needed anyone to remind me to love my dog. Truly.

When he leaves me…I don’t know who I’ll even want to consider as replaces him or his unique love.  I’m sorry, but it’s honest and it’s true.  My boy is my only child, and we have lived… and loved alone for 3 years by ourselves initially.  This is not to say I didn’t love others, and my human love, David did move in with us for the past 4 years, but Gerry is the most unique character in my entire life.

I have lost friends to cancer, an accidental murder,the reaction to losing the someone with cancer, not to mention a grandfather and uncle who committed suicide, and another who hid himself in his apartment and let himself die all on his own from neglect.

A dog seemed the natural relief.

Then, cancer.

It’s enough already…truly.  I am not in love with the idea of “this world” or “reality” anymore.




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The dog days of summer!

Gerry is the epitome of what a bummer summer heat is!

Mom needs to keep reminding herself that there are lovely things for us to look at outside!

(If only her tomatoes would get red!)

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I am a school teacher with a “traditional” schedule…

All that is meant by the title is that I have, for 40 somewhat years of life on this Earth in the US, gone “to school” from September to June.

I went from the student desk, to the college sized desks, to the singular wooden teacher desk, and can honestly say one of the ONLY things in life that I consider a privilege is that I have NEVER had to work the day after Thanksgiving!

If I lived in a state where ALL schools/school rooms, had air conditioning (I kid you not), my schedule and school system would be scheduled differently.  That being said, I would love air conditioning!

I was able to save $ during the 10 months of active duty, and was able to spend the entire summer with Gerry.  I sprained my ankle, two weeks into July, and really didn’t get to be as active with him as I’d hoped,  once I found out his cancer had spread to his lungs.

(The day before I learned of his new diagnosis.  We were waiting somewhere.)

This being said, he and I WERE able to spend many lazy hot afternoons taking naps in the back bedroom.  I was also able to try new diet options for him as I had time to cook more.  I worry about his decreasing weight.  I truly did have a summer of love and kisses with Ger, and for this, I will be forever grateful.  I kept a journal.  What more could I do?

I will be “Back to School” starting the 31st of August.  Gerry will probably be happy for the lack of eyeballs on him, (not to mention his gal friend dog walkers who will be returning) but I will miss him terribly.  I don’t want a distraction from his life.  This being said, I may Need a distraction from his habits and daily doings…but you KNOW, I really don’t want to be.

I’m his mom.  He’s my boy.




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I know no other way….

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I hope it’s alright……

If you copy, cut, and paste this URL address, I’m hoping it takes you to my Pinterest page called’ “Oh my Soul pt. II”.  If you click on the photo circle of me, you’ll see all of my boards!  Gerry is featured on many pages, and a few of the pages are just quotes that strike my soul.  I don’t Facebook, I’m more visual and less bitchy 🙂

This is the photo I put on my “Oh my soul Pt. II” page:


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