The ramp was a bad idea…unsuccessful at the least. Gerry wants to jump up AND down from the bed. It’s 28 inches from the ground. UP is fine…but jumping down worries the he!! out of me because I don’t want to put such pressure on his one front leg. I originally bought a sling with handles right away, and he doesn’t mind when I help him down using it. I suppose I’m going to have to unromanticize the idea of him getting to do everything he wants, since his diagnosis. I know I have to stop as well. I want “life as it should be” as opposed to “life as it is”.
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How about if you build a “bed-sized” platform, like half the height of the bed. Then the jump up and down wouldn’t be so high.
Paula and Nitro
That’s a good idea..and something to think about. The bedroom is somewhat small, and the closet easily gets blocked…but the idea of him jumping down on to something supportive/soft/ forgiving is what I need. He “likes” to jump off the bed, but there is such a short space for him to “land” on, and it’s a rug on a the hardwood floor. I’ll need to do some more investigating..because I don’t really know anyone that could build it for me.
I couldn’t get my guys to use anything either. I ended up taking the box spring and mattress of the frame. It eliminated 6 inches of height and made me feel better.
Off the frame.
Maybe you could buy a baby crib mattress…or even two…stack them on top of each other.
Gerry can still pretty much do anything he wants! We humans just have to figure out how to create ways ro make that happen!
Gerry, you are a very loved boy!! And Gerry is having a very spoiled and fun life being pain free and by your side!
Let us know how the bed situation works out.
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!