..and now ladys and gentlemen…the ramp!

Realizing that Gerry is wanting to get back to his usual routine, I needed to order a wedge/ramp in order for him to get to walk up on his bed which is his favorite place to hang.  In order to give him freedom, and not have to watch him and help him off the bed with his sling, to alleviate the pressure on his one front paw I knew I needed a new product.

He overlooks his “domain” and growls lowly at any  deer,turkey or turkey vultures that he sees on the far property line early in the morning.  I just found this, which is GREAT for my truck as well.  It’s been determined that Gerry and I are NOT traveling for turkey day.  Anyone that wants to see us, can come visit.  We’ve been pretty migratory our whole lives, so let the Thanksgiving come to us.  We’ll provide turkey, 2 pies, and the best mashed potatoes you’ll ever have!  Also some fresh green beans and some hugs and kisses you won’t forget!


About danielle

I am a rescue mom and school teacher. Gerry came to me from Texas, after he "failed" as a hunting dog. He had NOT had an easy life. I was three years divorced, and we saved each other. Last week I learned he has osteosarcoma. Our world feels upside down...while everyone else is right side up.
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7 Responses to ..and now ladys and gentlemen…the ramp!

  1. otisandtess says:

    Where did you find it? Is Gerry using it willingly? I never could find a bed step my dogs would use.

  2. danielle says:

    It is coming through Kohl’s!
    Copy cut and paste. I just ordered it today so I don’t know how well it will work, but I want to try something for my Ger Bear so that he can walk up and down “his” 28″ bed that lets him look out the window onto the back yard. As long as it’s “forgiving”, when he hops on his front right leg, I know it has to be better than JUMPING down full force onto that poor foreleg…so I’ve been using a great sling that eases my mind, but until the ramp comes in, I just can’t let him back into the room with bed…if he hurts himself jumping of that bed I’ll kick myself to Kingdom come! Once it arrives and he uses it, which I think he’ll do smashingly on, I’ll let the world know!

  3. benny55 says:

    Oh yes! Please let us know how that works! Hiw much does Gerry weigh again?

    Your Thanksgiving Feast sounds so yummy! Told Merry Myrtle and Frankie about your invitation to join you ThanksgIving. have to work that day, but they are packi g their suitcases as we speak! They figure if they start hitchhiking now, they’ll be there just in time! A 123 lb Bull Mastiff and a 65 lb Tripawd Coonhound hitchhiking…yeah, that oughta’ stop traffic! 🙂

    The visuaw of Gerry guardi g his domain…sweeet! Video!”we need video!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    • danielle says:

      I know it JUST got here, but he is NOT interested! When I tried to use it with him, he kept avoiding it…no matter where I moved it on the bed side. He lie down and acted as sad and dejected as he can…and I am a SUCKER for this, because he’s…my boy. I’m upset with myself for letting him even ON and OFF the bed before I thought it through…but how am I to know how “through” to think of ways to make him okay?! I’m beating myself up and down about this and even though I know I shouldn’t, I just HATE it when I can’ make things perfect for him, (or myself… I will admit…and that is what’s hardest to admit) I want everything to be like it was 2 months ago…and because he didn’t like the ramp, I’m so mad at myself. I know it’s more about ME than HIM, truly I do. I had a “picture” of it working right away and perfectly.
      All of this being said, I think if he was smaller, (he’s a 73 pound Lab) he would like it. It looks too steep, even to me, the girl who learned to ski at age 27. they have a “wider” version, but I know that I’ll be returning this product. Using the sling I got from Dr. Forester’s is working well; I didn’t need to try and make it perfect.

  4. dobemom says:

    Hi Danielle and Gerry….love the ramp idea to get him back to his bed. I could never get Nitro to use one, I think he was wary of the narrowness. I would’ve probably had to make a raised platform instead. Gerry will be SO happy to overlook his kingdom again! Can’t wait to see pics!

    Paula and Nitro

  5. otisandtess says:

    I removed the bed frame and sleep with just the box spring and mattress. I figured it was better for both Tripawd Otis and Tess, since she had knee surgery.

  6. danielle says:

    I just got an email from Kohls that said the ramp is on its way. I’ll let you know if it was worth the effort. Gerry is about 74 pounds. If I took the bed frame out, he wouldn’t be able to see out of the window, which is what “i think” he loved to do. I’m hoping he is still interested in staring out on his domain, but that’s me humanizing him. I’d hate to think he gets disinterested in looking outside. There has been a gate blocking the hallway entrance, and he has seemingly gotten used to not going any father down the hallway. I have a feeling he won’t use it to go up, but with my training and encouragement will use it, instead of jumping off the bed.
    Fingers crossed once it arrives (and I assume i put it together!)

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