..just browsing through photos…

…and I found this picture from the first trip Gerry took to RI.  He’d never experienced a screened in porch and l-0-v-E-d, loved it.

The yellow birdbath was also near bird feeders, which brought SQUIRRELS! Gerry sat, mesmerized at the lawn full of critters, and this moment is when he finally stood up, as if to say, “Mom, can we go out there?” which is why I’m smiling.

My dad, Gerry, and me in Westerly, Rhode Island.  My home state, and home which I lived in since I was ten years old.  Those are my dad’s sexy knees to the right which I’ve proudly inherited!


About danielle

I am a rescue mom and school teacher. Gerry came to me from Texas, after he "failed" as a hunting dog. He had NOT had an easy life. I was three years divorced, and we saved each other. Last week I learned he has osteosarcoma. Our world feels upside down...while everyone else is right side up.
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5 Responses to ..just browsing through photos…

  1. paws120 says:

    Hey Danielle!
    I am also from Rhode Island! Born and raised, lived within 10 miles of where I was born until I was 43. Westerly is beautiful☺ I hope you are doing ok.

    • danielle says:

      Hi Jackie,
      I love being from RI, too! Sadly, like every other sullen teenager, I HAD to go to school out of state and wound up moving to NYC, then a bit upstate, and now even farther. Westerly has always been home. Thank goodness I have my parents there still and can visit. In fact, Turkey day will be spent there! I can’t wait to take that “I’m so full,” walk out on the beach!
      I’m doing well enough. Gerry just left me this September, almost exactly a year from his diagnosis. I don’t have children, by choice….and what not everyone understands is that I’ve lost my only child, not just my dog. I’m 49.

  2. benny55 says:

    Thanknyiu soooo much for sharing these great treasured memories and photos sexy knees and all!) with us. We miss your boy too and this helps us all put smiles back in our hearts when we see posts like this.

    It also means we get to know Gerry even better. That merely enhances the love we already feel for that sweet boy!

    Keep these great memo coming…And always with pictures! He is such a stunningly handsome boy.

    Love and hugs
    Auntie Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  3. danielle says:

    I can NEVER stop looking at those pictures, son’t you worry! I was taught to always share. 🙂

  4. jerry says:

    Look at that SMILE you are wearing! What a fun time and a hoppy memory of your sweetie. I’ll bet your dad was smiling too wasn’t he?

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