Before…after…What Boo has Fun With….


     SO!  Remember that “basic of “goodies I had here to welcome Boo?  Here’s (only a portion of) what it looks like now.  the only pristine item, the water bottle, hasn’t been used yet!  The crinkle cow fainting out of the crate is actually her SECOND one, once she realized she could break the seams and pull the fluff out of it’s head.  She has still not destroyed ‘crinkle lamb’ and still really loves bringing it to me just to pull from her.  The doggie bags…well, you know.

     On the floor are a set of KONG lions.  My mom got her one for Christmas, she lovde it to death, I found another on Amazon, and  is well on her way through it.  Little does she know she has a KONG Frog waiting for her when these get damaged beyond repair.  The horse shoe and “bone” are Gerry’s that she LOVES.the green purple people eater toy in the back ground had a body the squeaks. It’s the only thing I’ve found that she hasn’t been able to destroy!  I anyone is interested in the four different breeds that make up a “pit bull”, this book has been Very informative and easy to read with FanTastic photography.

About danielle

I am a rescue mom and school teacher. Gerry came to me from Texas, after he "failed" as a hunting dog. He had NOT had an easy life. I was three years divorced, and we saved each other. Last week I learned he has osteosarcoma. Our world feels upside down...while everyone else is right side up.
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4 Responses to Before…after…What Boo has Fun With….

  1. benny55 says:

    LOL!!- This girl really did win the Puppy Lottery when Gerry sent her to you!!! And it’s a “sign” that she especially loves playing with Gerry’s toys❤ Sweet❤

    It warms my heart know how happy and loved Boo is. You really, really have brought her so much joy and such a strong sense of security. And goodness knows. Boo will never run out of toys! Check out Bark Box. They’ll send Boo a box of toys every month.

    The Pittie book sounds interesting. Gonna check it out.

    Happy Spring (upcoming) to you and Boo!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  2. paws120 says:

    I love it! Sounds like you are all having a blast, that is just so wonderful. I sent a sample of the book to my Kindle. Although I do not have a pittie anymore, I still adore the breed and miss my girlie every day. She was a one of a kind.. for sure.
    I just actually got to reading your last couple of posts.. kinda behind on the times here.. and my heart fills every time I open your blog.
    Hugs to you and your family, Happy Saint Patty’s Day, and happy Springing forward into life with your wonderful new Boo!
    Jackie and Huck

    • Danielle says:

      ..and three and a half months later, I get to reread this, and actually reply! It has been Such a journey to have the energy of a lovey pibble, in addition to her lack of vision, compared to mellow yellow Ger.
      Boo is asleep in her crate next to me. It’s late (almost midnight) and I’m
      I started reading another book: “The Lost Dogs: Michael Vick’s Dogs and Their Tale of Rescue and Redemption” and am learning SO much about what this creature has gone through. Thank you for your spring well wishes. In return, I shall wish you and Huck a sizzling summer, and plenty of ice cube treats! Stay in the shade, or get in the water! Boo and I are ready for the adventure!

  3. jerry says:

    That girl has some chompers! You’re smart to have back-ups.

    Too cute, she’s really getting into it, the first real gifts and love bestowed on her. She’s won the lotto!

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