Yeah. What’s up with that?

Happy turkey day all!

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First NEast coast snow..

I was glad to have a day off from work, due to the snow, but made the sad realization while shoveling, that I hadn’t been to a certain part of my yard that lead to the back, in a LONG time.  The bush is totally overgrown, and had I still had a reason to “walk that way”, I would have noticed and trimmed it before the fall turned to winter.  It choked me up a bit to realize I hadn’t noticed, for lack of reason….I miss you boy, and will make sure I tidy up our walkway once I can.  Mama misses you…I dreamt last night that I had “forgotten” to get up and let you out for a walk even though I didn’t have to get up for work.  As much as it hurt, it means you’re STILL in my heart.  Hope you get some snow to romp around in under that rainbow!

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D@mn $tr@ig#T !

Can you say that about any human….girl or boy?

I think not.

I may be a biased woman who rescued  a yellow Lab, but that’s just me. 🙂

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Not on me, but on my mind.

I was born in 1968.  My father’s two rules when I was to “grow up” were that I was Never to ride on a motorcycle, and that if a boy ever honked his car horn, and didn’t come to the door….I wasn’t going ANY where.  I imagine, HE would have gone out to greet the driver.

Needless to say, neither of those things happened.  A tattoo, wasn’t even privy to an actual conversation.  Being a careful “avoider” of outright pain, I’ve never wanted one.

However.  For Gerry boy, I’d do this.  (Just not on my inner wrist.  OUCH!)



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Life is just not the same

I knew it wouldn’t be.  I don’t ever expect it will be.  I dipped my toe into the pond of possibility and looked into adopting another dog; was actually feeling excited about it, and because of human being errors, it didn’t happen.  I was crushed…and so I’ve pulled back into my shell, and will wait.  Don’t be disappointed in me boy; I’ve not given up.  I’m just sitting here in limbo, letting the rest of the world go by.  Keep watching over me.

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