I am strong

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The truth, and nothing but the truth.

I believe I have mentioned this in earlier posts, but I was allergic to ALL animals as a child.  My parents and an allergist figured this out when I was about seven and already sleeping with the family cat, Cindy, as well as sleeping with my wool (allergic to it too!) baby blanket.  I woke up every morning with the stuffiest of noses. SO!No more pets.

At least 4 years passed and we noticed that my Nana’s pet Maltese, Shannon, didn’t make me stuffy.  Her Persian cat did, but not the Maltese.  I suppose we asked the doctor or vet, and they let us know that the hair dander was the issue, and that certain breeds didn’t have it, like poodles, and Maltese.   Thus, we always had two  Maltese puppies while I was growing up.  Somewhere between now and then, I got rid of my canine allergy altogether.  Cats still bother the hell out of my eyes and respiratory system, but I made myself immune due to exposure to different dogs, as my parents had  rescued other mixed breeds later in life and they had “regular” fur that I’m sure wasn’t Hypoallergenic-like, and it didn’t bother me.

Flash forward 40 years or so later, and here Gerry and I are!  My husband was away this weekend, and Gerry and I got to sleep together, like old times, in the guest bedroom.  I LOVE waking up with him…no offense to my partner in crime, but I never got to sleep with pets after Cindy, and sleeping with a dog is something I had never done until I was in my 40’s and he and I were on our own in this big old house.  Here is a meme(?) I made and put on Pinterest.  And below that one is another I made with my parents’ dogs Ralph and Cassie.  Whenever ONE of them goes outside, all three of them crowd the doorway out of the laundry room, where the treats are!



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Going through photos

This is one of the last photos of Gerry that I took towards the end of the summer.  We had just gotten back from a long week away.

 We had traveled south towards North Carolina to visit a retired friend.  We also got see the Sox play the Orioles.  I’d always wanted to visit Camden Fields and to see MY team play in August was funtastic.  When we got home Gerry was his indifferent self, and THEN later he go snuggley and closer to me.  Who knew how “historic” this photo was.

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Good night all….

Well, vacation is over, and I’m back to work, although not nearly ready to!  Please; pay me to watch my dog.  Good night all!

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For my fans!

I apologize for being too sleepy to take a photo shoot for you last night, but here I am, wide awake.  Mom told the girls at the groomers not to give me any of their egg salad sandwiches this visit, and I HEARD HER!  Thus, she scrambled up one for me for this Sunday breakfast.

The new medicine is getting more tolerable, and Mom has figured out a schedule that doesn’t upset my belly.  I overheard her say that she was SO glad she had this week off from school so she could watch me.  What is this “work” thing?  I don’t think I like it, because it usually means she’s gone for long periods of time each day.  I’m ready for a nap at this point.  Mom said something about “lesson plans”?

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