This Monday….I was quiet. Tuesday at the am faculty meeting I couldn’t look anyone in the eye, plus the impossible task of reading evaluations was stressed. I don’t really remember Wednesday, and today, I felt FAR more ahead than behind. Here is my “Wall of Sanity”. That is my brother’swagon on top, that he used to pull me around in when I was 6.
I have a very good friend overseas, who has only known an “online” Gerry, as we got to know each other.. She has become irreplaceable to me.
I find that I’m not listening to any music on the 50 minute drive from work in the morning…I feel like being observant, thankful, mindful, and concentrate on the crazy drivers around me. I don’t miss Gerry then, nor when I get in the car at the end of the day.
It isn’t until I pull into the driveway that it slowly seeps into my heart…..
It isn’t until I wake in the morning (still early enough to take him outside) and walk downstairs to the “Geryr is waiting for me on the bed or couch, and we HAVE to get outside SOON,” Then I take some breaths and get ready for work…….
Coming home last night to an empty house, as David is away this weekend, was lonely. I usually LOVE to get to be by myself, but I HAVEN’T been by myself. Alone became to mean, Just Gerry and me time….THAT was hard…and not much better this morning…Time to refocus.