My next door neighbors are the kind that money can’t buy and only if you get lucky. I was more than blessed when I found this house, was able to afford it and then met my neighbors. Jeanine had four children and a live in boyfriend, now husband, Mike. I’ve written about the girls before, and showed you photos, but they have two brothers as well. Long story short, I love that family as my own. ANY time I needed them to, they let Gerry out, fed him, let him sleep over. They loved him. Who couldn’t?
This summer, the oldest daughter Caitlin adopted a shepherd mix rescue at 8 months. Arley is her name. She was very barky at first, and so Gerry didn’t even want to try to get to know her…his gentle soul would have loved too, but even though she was much smaller, she barked, and he showed no interest in her (smart boy).
Well, tonight, I am returning one of many favors, and am having Arley sleep over. When I tell you that I woke up in a bad mood about this, will you understand? When I tell you that it feels like a betrayal to touch another dog, or let it snuggle up to you, does that make sense? I couldn’t say “no” to them, because I love them, and I know my brain and heart are in conflict…..but do you think Gerry will understand, looking down at me? I feel nervous, and guilty, and a little bit excited. It’s not a replacement AT ALL, my BOY….just a kindness I owe them, because they took care of you and loved YOU as their own. I won’t apologize, but YOU will be in my heart the whole time.