About danielle
I am a rescue mom and school teacher. Gerry came to me from Texas, after he "failed" as a hunting dog. He had NOT had an easy life. I was three years divorced, and we saved each other. Last week I learned he has osteosarcoma. Our world feels upside down...while everyone else is right side up.
Oh Danielle,
That happens to me more often than I would like to admit. I don’t think at this point that it will ever be different but you know what? Sometimes they are happy tears. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Wow. This is so simply said, and so profound … and so true.
Do you know who wrote it? Beautiful.
I wish I could take credit, but I found it on Pinterest. xo
That is somspot in!! And as Holly said, sometimes they can be happy tears from happy memories.
Love ro you!