Why Mom Moved this far North in NY!

I couldn’t afford the taxes in Westchester county, New York on my own, nor did I even WANT to live there anymore.  After I divorced my husband and moved away, I first stayed in an apartment building close to my job, that didn’t allow dogs, and I KNEW in my heart of hearts that I would eventually get myself to a place for myself and my dream dog.  The first winter in my new house, without a dog yet, I took this photo during a snow storm that kept me home from school.  It was a glorious day.

The whole time I was shooting photos I was thinking to myself, I can’t wait to have a dog running through all of this.  That summer I had to have foot surgery and was CRUSHED because I couldn’t, realistically,  get a dog.  So finally, in the spring of 2011 I found my boy online, and he was coming to CT. in a week.  I met him, fell in love, had my brother meet me there and check him out.  My brother worked with dog trainers and groomers for a long time, and so I knew he knew what he was talking about.  He told me Gerry was a winner, and he couldn’t have been more correct in his whole life!

About danielle

I am a rescue mom and school teacher. Gerry came to me from Texas, after he "failed" as a hunting dog. He had NOT had an easy life. I was three years divorced, and we saved each other. Last week I learned he has osteosarcoma. Our world feels upside down...while everyone else is right side up.
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One Response to Why Mom Moved this far North in NY!

  1. benny55 says:

    Awwwww…..that is THE SWEETEST PHOTO EVER!!! 🙂 Talk about a connection….talk about you and Gerry “being one”….the photo says it all!!

    So glad you and Gerry found each other 🙂


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    PS…that’s a lovely snow photo.

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