The truth, and nothing but the truth.

I believe I have mentioned this in earlier posts, but I was allergic to ALL animals as a child.  My parents and an allergist figured this out when I was about seven and already sleeping with the family cat, Cindy, as well as sleeping with my wool (allergic to it too!) baby blanket.  I woke up every morning with the stuffiest of noses. SO!No more pets.

At least 4 years passed and we noticed that my Nana’s pet Maltese, Shannon, didn’t make me stuffy.  Her Persian cat did, but not the Maltese.  I suppose we asked the doctor or vet, and they let us know that the hair dander was the issue, and that certain breeds didn’t have it, like poodles, and Maltese.   Thus, we always had two  Maltese puppies while I was growing up.  Somewhere between now and then, I got rid of my canine allergy altogether.  Cats still bother the hell out of my eyes and respiratory system, but I made myself immune due to exposure to different dogs, as my parents had  rescued other mixed breeds later in life and they had “regular” fur that I’m sure wasn’t Hypoallergenic-like, and it didn’t bother me.

Flash forward 40 years or so later, and here Gerry and I are!  My husband was away this weekend, and Gerry and I got to sleep together, like old times, in the guest bedroom.  I LOVE waking up with him…no offense to my partner in crime, but I never got to sleep with pets after Cindy, and sleeping with a dog is something I had never done until I was in my 40’s and he and I were on our own in this big old house.  Here is a meme(?) I made and put on Pinterest.  And below that one is another I made with my parents’ dogs Ralph and Cassie.  Whenever ONE of them goes outside, all three of them crowd the doorway out of the laundry room, where the treats are!



About danielle

I am a rescue mom and school teacher. Gerry came to me from Texas, after he "failed" as a hunting dog. He had NOT had an easy life. I was three years divorced, and we saved each other. Last week I learned he has osteosarcoma. Our world feels upside down...while everyone else is right side up.
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4 Responses to The truth, and nothing but the truth.

  1. dobemom says:

    I’m sure my husband never imagined he’d be sleeping with dogs one day, but our bed is their bed…..
    Paula and nitro

    • danielle says:

      David is a reformed cat owner, and to him, they were mainly employees that caught mice. (That’s also his rye sense of humor). He had no idea what a dog lover he was going to become. He doesn’t deny me, and knows there are nights I just want to be with Gerry. It’s an interesting dynamic, and it works. Besides, Gerry is SUCH a bed hog, I’d have to get a king sized bed if I thought all 3 of us were to fit.

  2. otisandtess says:

    I love the “treats.” Otis and Tess always went out together and lined up for treats after, whether they actually had business to do or not.

  3. benny55 says:

    Love the pictures! Such a handsome group a d they pose perfectly!! 🙂

    Oh gosh, if I couldn’t sleep with my dogs I don’t think I could sleep!! Hu by needs to go away more often 🙂 🙂 Tee…hee 🙂

    Grrrreat photos!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

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